Monday, October 26, 2009

Weekends that dreams are made of

It’s Sunday night and I have just eaten a lovely dinner of chicken breast, rice, and Brussels sprouts followed chocolate mousse. My tummy is really happy! Yesterday evening I went to this church called the Vienna International Church and they have different services in different languages. The German service is at 6pm of Saturday nights. The only bad thing about it is the service last night lasted 2 hours and 15 min.
Not that I don’t want to praise God for that long, but I hadn’t eaten dinner yet. That sounds terrible. Doesn’t it?

I went to Ikea to buy another set of sheets. God bless Ikea. I went Saturday afternoon. The only thing about Ikea that I don’t like is that it’s like a maze. You walk in and they have arrows pointing you in the direction you should be going in. But its not like you walk in and go to your dept, you walk in and have to go through the maze until you find the dept. you need to shop in. So I walked through the Ikea maze to get to bedding. I bought bedding at this other place when I first got here, but you have to have bedding for when you wash your sheets. And Ikea lets me use my debit card instead of having to take cash out. I like being able to use my debit card. There is nowhere in Austria where you can pay with your debit card. It’s pretty much a cash only country.

I still have this cold. I’m going to the doctor this week. It’s been 2 weeks. It’s time. I’ve been taking vitamins, sleeping all the time, drinking tea, and taking extra vitamin C and nothing works. But the doctor who’s info I got from a teacher at school is an ear nose and throat doctor, so that means, I will get better.
So I have this week off and I am going to explore Vienna. Expect Pictures soon.

I love you all!


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

"Any Minute Now, my ship is coming in. I’ll keep checking the horizon, I’ll stand on the bow, fell the waves come crashing, come crashing down on me. And you say: Be still my love, open up your heart let the light shine in. Don’t you understand I already have a plan. I am waiting for my real life to being. On a Clear Day, I can see, see a very long way.” ~ Colin Hay Band

For the past few days I have been watching old Scrubs episodes. In the episode where Turk asks Carla to marry him, a song plays called “Question” by the Old 97’s and its one of the most beautiful songs ever. Go look it up. When I get married, I wanna hear that song when I am being proposed to. I love Scrubs. It’s always funny, no matter how many times I have seen the same episode. The Character JD in Scrubs is someone I really relate to. The way JD daydreams and talks to himself is so similar to the way I daydream and talk to myself… Which is either sad or funny, I’m not sure. JD is like the male sensitive TV version of me. Not that I’m not sensitive, I’m just not as girly as JD.

Teaching has been super cool so far. The kids are great, its super easy and I get paid about a bit over 20 euros an hour to talk to kids for 13 hours a week. It’s awesome! I think the kids like me. You can never be sure about that. I can tell that they are somewhat interested in what I have to say. I think I’m doing a good job. I think I’m good at my job. To be sure the students are very diverse. There are kids from all over here. There are kids from Asia, Africa, the Middle East, other parts of Europe and now because of me the US too! It’s good to be in a school that’s not full of white kids. I like diversity.

I think this year is going to be a good year for me. I think God lead me here for a reason, I just have to be open to whatever He sends me. I can already tell that I was called here. Everything has worked out for me to prove it. God called me here, now I just need to find my place in this country. He’ll show it to me. I love you all! I hope you are having an amazing day and a great week!


Saturday, October 10, 2009

Tired of using McDoanlds

So, for the last few days I have been forced to go to a place that when at home I never go... McDonalds I hate McDonalds. I mean that sounds silly right? How can you hate something so unimportant as a fast food place. But I mean their burgers aren't that good, their fries suck, and the only thing that they have that I like is Mcnuggets and Orange Hi-C. One of those things they don't even make. I like nuggets because I like all shitty chicken products, but their internet is free. And all I have to do is spend a euro on something as small as a sprite and I can use it for however long I want. I ordered internet yesterday. It will be in my apartment in 2 weeks. So, for 2 weeks I have to use McDonalds. I can hold out for 2 weeks.

I don't hate Mcdonalds out of principle. I felt like that point should be made clear. I hate it because their food sucks and everyone in Europe believes I live off of it. If they had the best burger in the world, I wouldn't care. I wouldn't mind being given shit for eating the best burger in the world. But that is not the case. I get told that all Americans are fat, stupid Mcdonalds loving jerks. Some of them are. But there are just as many fat stupid European jerks who live off of the crappy burgers and often soggy fries. I can't wait till the day comes when I don't have to come to Mcdonalds anymore. Its not that I'm one of those poor animals people. I'm not. Its also not that I really care that much for the business practices of McDonalds. Althought that is the reason I hate Walmart. I hate McDonalds because of the food, and because I am forced to eat it until I have internet. Now I know what you're thinking, go without internet or go to an internet cafe. If you could go without internet for 2 weeks that's fine for you. I can't. Also internet cafe's are expensive. I can't afford them. So I will keep coming here until the time comes when I don' t have to.

I have a cold. I bought medicine, tea, honey, tissue, and vitamines. I will sleep this cold away and be well enough for School on Monday. I shall overcome. Today's blog is so negative because of this cold. I always feel grumpy when I'm sick. I'm sorry you are having to read my rant. Monday, I have decided, I will feel better and next week's blogs will be cheery. Until then, you have my love.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Sitting by the Danube

At this moment (as in the moment this is being written, not when you are reading this) I am sitting by the Danube River, having just got a call from a friend that I would not be meeting her after all. It’s actually nice to not be in my apartment, even if I am alone. I don’t mind being alone. It’s given me an excuse to update for you guys. So, since my last update much has happened. I have begun to teach. I had my first classes this week. I have made the decision to get Internet. I have as of now ventured out of my apartment/schools to explore some and this weekend plan to explore Vienna. I’m never going to be happy if I don’t wander outside of my apartment. It’s beautiful here by the river. I might have to start coming here everyday. Well, maybe not everyday, but every other day for sure. I love water and I love being outside.

I think the ability to be alone is one of the most important things in a person’s life. If you can’t spend enough time without other people around I don’t think you have a healthy life. Being alone and being in silence is healing. It allows us to listen, not just to what people are saying but also to God and the world. Don’t get me wrong, I would consider myself a people person and feel like crap when I don’t have enough human contact, but I am learning that quiet time is important. For example, after leaving the river today, I went to get some ice cream. I figured it was still warm enough to enjoy it before all the shops were closed and ice cream was something I would have to wait 5 months for. Ice cream is something I enjoy maybe more than a good number of relationships that I have, it never fails to please me, it always is good, and I am always happy after eating it. Unfortunately ice cream can’t love me back. I can’t live off of ice cream alone. I am learning that I need to value both aspects of life. The times spent in silence, and those spent with others. Much like ice cream I enjoy being alone and in silence, but being alone doesn’t provide me with all I need to make it through life. I need people. I cannot live without the silence though, so a balance must be found. I am finding that balance. While at Belmont, I was surrounded by friends, it nice to not be. I miss them (that means you) but it is good to find myself.

I love you all!


Sunday, October 4, 2009


Last night I had a terrible dream. I dreamed that my grandmother was dead. I dreamed that I was crying really hard and that her spirit came to me and told me not to be sad. She told me she was with God, and I asked her in my dream if there really was a God and she said yes, and that I must be strong in my faith and love God and have unshakable faith. This dream was God talking to me I think. I love Jesus. I love God. But I do not have unshakable faith. Sometimes I question things, sometimes I wonder if God is real… I think the purpose of this dream was for God to let me know for sure that I must have a faith that does not move if I am to enter heaven. I must know and love God. I hope that I do.

A Few Days Later:

I called my grandma… She’s fine. But I really wanted to hear her voice. I was really happy to know that nothing had happened. I am now in Vienna. I met the nicest man in Vienna today. He was an older gentleman, maybe my grandpa’s age, and he was with this other older man who had been living in Vienna for the past 50 years. The first man paid for my dinner and bought my sprite. He was really kind. He talked to me and I really enjoyed his company. If this is what Vienna is going to be like, I’m ready! A few people offered to help me while I was carrying my bags, and I feel good about the day and the week. Today is my second day in Vienna and I have felt stressed today. I have so much money that I have to spend on the forefront to get everything started. I know God will provide. I’m sure of it. I was crying on the phone with my mom tonight. Nothing is really wrong, and I’m probably just tired, but it’s hard to move to a new city and not know anyone. It’s hard to move to a new country in general. I know I’ll make friends. It just takes time. I do know one thing though. I am really glad to have my own apartment. I’m glad that I have my own space. Its good to be my own person, and have my own stuff. Monday is the day my new life begins. I’m sure Monday; heck even tomorrow will be better. Tonight, I’m going to take a bath, watch fight club and chill out. Chilling out is what I need the most. A bath probably won’t hurt either. I took one this morning but sometimes its just nice to sit in the hot water and relax.

I’ll be ok. I always am. I just have to get through the next few days. I’ll make it through the next few weeks and then everything will be totally normal and I can begin to find a ticket to visit Michael, which will do me good. I miss him. It’s funny how a few days ago I wanted my space and now I miss him so much! Haha I guess what happens when you’re best friend is in another country. But unlike when I’m home, he’s only a train ride away. I can’t wait to have Christmas with him and his family. They are amazing! Well, I love you all!