Saturday, October 2, 2010

Because I'm a girl and I want the story.

There was once a little girl, who dreamed of a white knight on his gallant steed waiting to ride up and sweep her off her feet. When she used to play with her dolls, she would have the boy doll ride on a horse and reproduce this. She wanted to be a princess. She wasn't even a girly girl. She played in the dirt with her teenage mutant ninja turtles, but she desperately wanted to be someone's princess. When she was 16, she met a boy, who thought she was a princess. He let her know him. He was a guarded knight. He hid his armor but wore it well and he knew that while he wanted to sweep her off her feet, he had to slay some pretty large dragons first. So, he let the girl be content with the fool she thought she was in love with. All the while, the knight was slaying dragons and protecting other maidens from evil doers. After some time, the knight forgot about his princess. The girl however, became tired of the fool, and waited for the knight to come back... He did not.

5 years later, after trying to kiss frogs and cast spells, the girl looked into the magic book of faces and found the knight. He was living outside her kingdom and was on his way to become a lord. She was nervous about contacting him. It was not common for girls to contact knights after all. Maidens are saved because knights find them, not because they ask to be. So the girl took the chance. She sent a message to the knight hoping that he would respond.

The knight meanwhile had been in his castle, with his maiden love enjoying his life without thought of the girl. Suddenly a message arrived and he saw her seal. It had been a long time since he last saw her seal. He opened the message. "I hope you do not hate me" he could see where her pen had been shaking, "I hope we can be friends again". He smiled as he read her name. He hadn't thought of her in some time, and now there she was, sending him a letter after years of not even a word.

The knight wrote her back, assuring her that he did not wish any ill will toward her and that in fact he was overjoyed at her attempt to make contact, and this, dear reader, is how the correspondence began. They began to send letters, waiting for the other's response. The knight wanted to see the girl again. She was however, in a kingdom that was far away on the other side of a giant pond. The pond was more like an ocean than a pond, and while the distance was great they began to remember the closeness that they had once shared.

The girl began to know the knight again, and he began to know her. The girl began to remember what it was like to be a princess. She began to remember what it felt like to be known and in an instant she began to feel fear creep through her breast. She was afraid of the closeness. She was afraid that the knight who could slay dragons and save princesses would again leave for greener pastures. The knight, in knight fashion, reminded the girl that best friends stay even when it is not comfortable. And that they were indeed the best of friends. The kind that are known.
The girl secretly, well, not so secretly, wished for the knight to see her as a princess. She wished that he would become the knight she had wished for as a child. She wished and waited and hoped. She is still in her kingdom, and he is still in his. There is a great distance that separates them, but there is a closeness that keeps them from being apart.

1 comment:

  1. The pond, in fact, WAS an ocean.


    I like the last few lines alot. :D
