Saturday, October 10, 2009

Tired of using McDoanlds

So, for the last few days I have been forced to go to a place that when at home I never go... McDonalds I hate McDonalds. I mean that sounds silly right? How can you hate something so unimportant as a fast food place. But I mean their burgers aren't that good, their fries suck, and the only thing that they have that I like is Mcnuggets and Orange Hi-C. One of those things they don't even make. I like nuggets because I like all shitty chicken products, but their internet is free. And all I have to do is spend a euro on something as small as a sprite and I can use it for however long I want. I ordered internet yesterday. It will be in my apartment in 2 weeks. So, for 2 weeks I have to use McDonalds. I can hold out for 2 weeks.

I don't hate Mcdonalds out of principle. I felt like that point should be made clear. I hate it because their food sucks and everyone in Europe believes I live off of it. If they had the best burger in the world, I wouldn't care. I wouldn't mind being given shit for eating the best burger in the world. But that is not the case. I get told that all Americans are fat, stupid Mcdonalds loving jerks. Some of them are. But there are just as many fat stupid European jerks who live off of the crappy burgers and often soggy fries. I can't wait till the day comes when I don't have to come to Mcdonalds anymore. Its not that I'm one of those poor animals people. I'm not. Its also not that I really care that much for the business practices of McDonalds. Althought that is the reason I hate Walmart. I hate McDonalds because of the food, and because I am forced to eat it until I have internet. Now I know what you're thinking, go without internet or go to an internet cafe. If you could go without internet for 2 weeks that's fine for you. I can't. Also internet cafe's are expensive. I can't afford them. So I will keep coming here until the time comes when I don' t have to.

I have a cold. I bought medicine, tea, honey, tissue, and vitamines. I will sleep this cold away and be well enough for School on Monday. I shall overcome. Today's blog is so negative because of this cold. I always feel grumpy when I'm sick. I'm sorry you are having to read my rant. Monday, I have decided, I will feel better and next week's blogs will be cheery. Until then, you have my love.


1 comment:

  1. Haha, I think this was my favorite so far :]
    You make me laugh, and I hope you're feeling better!
