Sunday, October 4, 2009


Last night I had a terrible dream. I dreamed that my grandmother was dead. I dreamed that I was crying really hard and that her spirit came to me and told me not to be sad. She told me she was with God, and I asked her in my dream if there really was a God and she said yes, and that I must be strong in my faith and love God and have unshakable faith. This dream was God talking to me I think. I love Jesus. I love God. But I do not have unshakable faith. Sometimes I question things, sometimes I wonder if God is real… I think the purpose of this dream was for God to let me know for sure that I must have a faith that does not move if I am to enter heaven. I must know and love God. I hope that I do.

A Few Days Later:

I called my grandma… She’s fine. But I really wanted to hear her voice. I was really happy to know that nothing had happened. I am now in Vienna. I met the nicest man in Vienna today. He was an older gentleman, maybe my grandpa’s age, and he was with this other older man who had been living in Vienna for the past 50 years. The first man paid for my dinner and bought my sprite. He was really kind. He talked to me and I really enjoyed his company. If this is what Vienna is going to be like, I’m ready! A few people offered to help me while I was carrying my bags, and I feel good about the day and the week. Today is my second day in Vienna and I have felt stressed today. I have so much money that I have to spend on the forefront to get everything started. I know God will provide. I’m sure of it. I was crying on the phone with my mom tonight. Nothing is really wrong, and I’m probably just tired, but it’s hard to move to a new city and not know anyone. It’s hard to move to a new country in general. I know I’ll make friends. It just takes time. I do know one thing though. I am really glad to have my own apartment. I’m glad that I have my own space. Its good to be my own person, and have my own stuff. Monday is the day my new life begins. I’m sure Monday; heck even tomorrow will be better. Tonight, I’m going to take a bath, watch fight club and chill out. Chilling out is what I need the most. A bath probably won’t hurt either. I took one this morning but sometimes its just nice to sit in the hot water and relax.

I’ll be ok. I always am. I just have to get through the next few days. I’ll make it through the next few weeks and then everything will be totally normal and I can begin to find a ticket to visit Michael, which will do me good. I miss him. It’s funny how a few days ago I wanted my space and now I miss him so much! Haha I guess what happens when you’re best friend is in another country. But unlike when I’m home, he’s only a train ride away. I can’t wait to have Christmas with him and his family. They are amazing! Well, I love you all!


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